Siyami Apps, LLC 应用

Patient Records Doctor ON GO-T
Siyami Apps, LLC
This is the productivity EMR APPintheMARKEThaving so many great patient management featuresforbusymedicalprofessionals. Works fine on both android tabletsandmobilesmartphones. Save time via dictations. No typing just theTAPtoselecttemplates and join them to each other.Possibilitiesareendless toboost productivity. NO Internet, NO DataPlan, NOMobilenetworkneeded for using the app.IN THE PRESS by ArthropaediaThis patient data storage app has severalpatientmanagementfeaturesfor busy medical professionals. They cancreatecustomtemplates inorder to fill and store any particular typeofdatabased onspeciality.FEATURES1. Add Patient to database. Balance dueisautomaticallycalculatedfor you once you enter the Amount DueandAmount Paid.Say goodbye tothe calculators. Scheduleappointments.SearchPatient by enteringpartial data.- Color Themes available for skin or background and buttons.- Securely Export or transfer Patient files byconnectingdevicetoyour PC.- - Create your own custom templates forcommonlyusedscenarios.UNLIMITED templates can be created. Just ONEtaptoselect template,chart2. Securely Export or transfer patient filesbyconnectingdeviceto your PC.3. Export-Import to share data with existingapplicationsbyuploadingand downloading CSV files. Its perfect forbulk ormassdata uploadto/from your existing system.4.Schedule appointments and view them by day, week,monthoryear.Remind patients via SMS, email or phone call with justaclickof abutton. We even pre-fill the message for you thatyoucancustomizeas you please. Supports Google calendar sync.5. Backup your data so you can store it safely or transferittotheother mobile device or PC. Backup file is createdeachtimeyoupress Backup.6. Add multiple photos, images, voice (formedicaltranscripts),files and video attachments to Patient Visitstocapturevariousneeds such pictures before and after treatment.Youcan alsoscanor take a picture of lab reports, x-rays etc.UseUpdate VisitMenuto view previous attachments.7. Update patient and appointments.8. Print or Save HTML or Text formatted data from the apptoemailorto SD Card so you can Print it or Transfer to yourPCorotherdevices.9. History - View the historical record of thevisitsandaccountbalance.10. Add Visit11. Bills/Collection - View Daily Collection ofAmountPaid.BalanceDue Report - Allows you in just one click totext, calloremailyour patients who have balance due. Pre-fillsthetextmessage andemail with the default friendly message thatyoucanchange as youplease. We also pre-fill the number to callandtotext to thepatient. You can change the number or email ifyouneedto right onthe same screen.12. Update/Delete Visit - Press and Hold the visit onHistorypagetosee the menu13. Detailed HELP.14. Contact Us - We value your opinion and seekyouradviceforimplementing future features. Email usespeciallybeforeleavingnegative feedback. Thanks!Like us at FREE TRIAL. Subscription Options After 50 records.Just as a reference so you can decide, here is the listofsomeofthe professionals the app is useful for or isbeingusedby:Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, Health Specialist,Therapist,Clinician,EyeClinics, Pathology labs, Physician'sassistant,Schoolnurse,Pediatrician, Homeopath, TCM, Ayurveda,Surgeons, MD,MS,MBBS,OPD, BAMS, Paramedic, EMT,Optometrist,PatientManager,Gynecologist,Cardiologist,Orthopedist,Orthodontist,Dermatologist, sportsphysio,hypnotherapist, MedicalCRM andstudent and school as wellasinterns, EMR, EHR App,Hospital canuse the app aspatientregistration system. Useful forquick andeasy patientintakes,first-aid or records by disastervolunteers,fire fighters orsimilarorganizations and emergencyrespondersduring calamities suchasfire, earthquake, war-zones,storms,tornado, hurricanes etc
Minutes Of Meeting 3.0.0
Siyami Apps, LLC
Write Meeting Minutes in Seconds! No moreTYPING - Just TAPPING the templates. Just ONE tap to Exportminutes, agenda, meeting notes, issues and actions items on a file.Google Calendar sync for follow-up items. Attach pictures, whiteboard sessions, audio, video for meeting notes as tags. NO Internetrequired for using the app. Works on both android tablets andmobile smart phones.Email us at for yourquestions and suggestions!Free up your brain cycles to focus on critical tasks to boost yourproductivity. View action items as reminders or check list. Use theapp to Save Paper, Save Tree and Go GREENFEATURESAdd, Edit, Search, Delete Meeting Minutes and Notes - Allows youto add new minutes to Minutes Of Meeting database. Save time indocumenting minutes. Boost your productivity by using templates toavoid repeat typing of commonly used items. Possibilities areendless when you create templates that match your needs!Action Items - To enter and view them by day, week, month oryear. Supports Google calendar sync on most devices for actionitems so you have the place-holder on the calendar to follow up.Tap on the PLUS sign on the History page to add new Action item ornote or issue to the same Minutes.Search Minutes- for partial or full data and meeting notes.Attachments - This feature allows you to attach files of anytype, photos, videos, voice recordings and images. You can takepictures of white board sessions or attach scanned papers,time-sheets etc.. Great way to have all the data associated themeeting notes.Save/Print/Issues Report/Minutes and Notes - This menu isavailable on Edit Minutes MENU as well as on the History Page. Itallows you to Save pretty or HTML formatted minutes data from theapp to email or to SD Card so you can Print it or Transfer to yourPC or other devices.History - Enables you to view the historical record of themeeting notes.Settings - This page allows to customize or set preferences forMinutes files, Issue Reports, etc. You can tap the Preview buttonsto see the impact of your changes right on this page. The app willpick the latest minutes to show the sample. Change the backgroundand button color theme to your liking. Unlimited number oftemplates can be added.Backup - Allows you to take the backup of your data so you canstore it safely or transfer it to the other mobile device orPC.Restore - Allows you to restore your database from the previousbackup. For example, you can be using one device or tablet for youruse and then use restore to transfer minutes data from you tabletto your colleague's device who can then view the data.Help - Displays help about the features provided by thisapplication.Contact Us - We would love to hear from you. We value youropinion and seek your advice for implementing the future features.Press "Contact Us" to reach by email. Thanks a lot for giving us anopportunity to serve you.Your feedback is important to us. So we would really appreciate ifyou would send us any comments or suggestions , instead of ratingthe application low.- Lastly, we rely on your appreciation and word of mouth tosupport the app. So please use the easy ONE TAP functions to postthe APP on social networks such Facebook, Google Plus orTweeter.- FREE for limited time or trialLike us on Facebook at
Patient Records Doctor ON GO
This is the UNIQUE EMR APP in the MARKEThaving many cool patient management features to save time for busymedical professionals. FEATURED on Amazon AppStore as Free App OfThe Day. Works great on both android tablets and mobile smartphones. Powerful software to boost productivity. NO Internet, NOData Plan, NO Mobile network needed for using the app.One of our happy customers ran out of space to write on Google Playwhile reviewing the app so they graciously granted us to put thisin the Description!Here is what a key client says about our powerful but easy touse system:I specialize in family medicine with house visits and multipleclinics. This app has brought portability and simplicity to mypractice without any loss in patient records functionality. It istruly an excellent and robust app - I am managing around 1,500patient records with an average of three visit records per patient.Siyami have made innovative use of templates to create flexibilityand structure without the complexity. Records import from legacysystems works beautifully. The export module allows for statutoryreporting through third party systems when combined with thestructural integrity and uniformity maintained through the use oftemplates. I have also managed to sync backups to Dropbox and othercloud storage systems through the use of easily available apps.This provides a level of safety and continuity found in morecomplex and expensive systems. My congratulations to Siyami. Theyhave been very receptive to change requests to develop two majorapp upgrades over a three week period to facilitate a changeover tothis app and statutory reporting and analysis beyond.David T MD, MMCFDIN THE PRESS ArthropaediaThis patient data storage app has several patient managementfeatures for busy medical professionals. They can create customtemplates in order to fill and store any particular type of databased on speciality.FEATURES- Add, update, delete, search patients, visits. Add SOAP notes.View History. Color Themes available for skin or background andbuttons.- Securely Export or transfer Patient files by connecting deviceto your PC for storage or print.- Create your own custom templates for commonly used scenarios.UNLIMITED templates can be created. Just ONE tap to select thetemplate or chart- Add multiple photos, images, voice (for medical transcripts ),files and video attachments to Patient Visits to capture variousneeds such pictures before and after treatment. You can also scanor take a picture of lab reports, x-rays etc.- Goodbye calculators as app will compute account balance usingold balance and amount paid.- Use dictations- Export-Import to share data with existing applications byuploading and downloading CSV files. Its perfect for bulk dataupload to/from your existing system.- Schedule appointments and view them by day, week, month oryear. Remind patients via SMS, email or phone call with ONE tap.Supports Google calendar sync.- Backup data so you can store it safely or transfer it to theother mobile device or PC.- Restore database from the previous backup.- Print or Save HTML- Bills/Collection and Balance Due Report - ONE tap to text,call or email patients with balance due.- SUBSCRIPTION options with discounts are available for addingrecords OVER 100.Here is the list of some of the professionals the app is usefulfor or is being used by:Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, Therapist, Eye Clinician, Pathology labs,Physician's assistant, Pediatrician, Homeopath, TCM, Ayurveda,Surgeons, MD, MBBS, OPD, BAMS, Paramedic, EMT, Optometrist,Gynecologist, Cardiologist, Orthodontist, Dermatologist,hypnotherapist, Medical CRM student school as well as interns.Useful for quick and easy patient intakes, first-aid or records bydisaster volunteers, fire fighters or similar organizations andemergency responders during calamities such as fire, earthquake,war-zones, storms, tornado, hurricanes
Animal Records Vet ON the GO 5.5.0
This is the ONLY APP in the MARKET having manycool features for animal or pet records management to save time forbusy veterinarians, doctors, nurses, medical professionals as wellas all the Proud Pet Lovers and owners or trainers. Works perfectlyfine on both android tablets and mobile smart phones. NO Internet,NO Data Plan, NO Mobile network needed for using the app.Email for questions!Download the Powerful software to boost productivity for Vets. Appprovides endless possibilities to customize when you create newtemplates to suit your business needs. No more tedious TYPING -Just TAPPING the templates. You can manage historical data and EMR- Electronic Medical Record for horse, cattle, dog, canine, cats,feline etc.FEATURES- Add, update, delete, search owners, visits. Add SOAP notes.View History. Chose Color Themes available for skin or backgroundand buttons.- Create your own custom templates for commonly used scenarios,chief complaints, clinical notes, diagnosis, tests, medications,pills dispensed or prescribed etc. UNLIMITED templates can becreated. No more typing. Just ONE tap to select the template.Create default templates and just change whats needed. Medicationlabels can be created once and reused for future. You can alsocreate a template for Rabies Vaccination tracking including RabiesTag and Microchip ID. Search Owner by these fields!- Securely Export or transfer Animal files by connecting deviceto your PC.- Add multiple photos, images, voice (for medical transcripts ),files and video attachments to Animal Visits to capture variousneeds such pictures before and after treatment. You can also scanor take a picture of lab reports, x-rays etc. Use Update Visit Menuto view previous attachments.- Say Goodbye calculators as app will compute account balanceusing old balance and amount paid / due.- Use dictations , voice or speech to text via voice enabledkeyboard if supported by your device. Just tap the Microphone keyon keyboard.- Export-Import to share data with existing applications byuploading and downloading CSV files. Its perfect for bulk or massdata upload to/from your existing system. If you are a hospital,you can use this feature to send/receive the files to/from otherapps.- You can schedule appointments and view them by day, week,month or year. Remind patients via SMS, email or phone call withjust ONE tap. App even pre-fills the message for you that you cancustomize as you please. Supports Google calendar sync. You can usethis feature to also remind you of follow-up client communicationto differentiate your business and have a happy customer for repeatbusiness.- Backup your data so you can store it safely or transfer it tothe other mobile device or PC.- Restore your database from the previous backup.- Take Photo- Print or Save HTML or Text formatted data from the app toemail or to SD Card so you can Print it or Transfer to your PC orother devices.- Bills/Collection and Balance Due Report - Just ONE tap totext, call or email your owners who have balance due.- Detailed HELP- Contact Us - We value your opinion and seek your advice forimplementing future features. Email us especially before leavingnegative feedback. Thanks!- SUBSCRIPTION options with discounts are available for addingrecords OVER 100.Like us on Facebook at
Lawyer ON GO 4.0.0
Siyami Apps, LLC
UNIQUE APP in the MARKET having many coolfeatures such as client, case and event management features to savetime for extremely busy legal professionals. Works perfectly fineon both android tablets and mobile smart phones. Useful forParalegals, Lawyers, Law School Students, Advocates, Attorneys aswell as Non-attorney staff of your Practice. NO Internet, NO DataPlan, NO Mobile network needed for using the app.Email forquestions!Efficient, quick and easy information at your fingertips availableto you on the go. Possibilities to customize are endless when youcreate new template to suit your business needs. No more tediousTYPING - Just TAPPING the templates.FEATURES- Add, update, delete, search clients, events.- Create your own UNLIMITED number of custom templates forcommonly used scenarios. Save time by boosting productivity!- View History.- Support for photo, audio, video, file or document attachmentsfor client and event records.- Goodbye calculators as app will compute account balance usingold balance and amount paid / due.- Use dictations , voice or speech to text via voice enabledkeyboard if supported by your device.- Export-Import to share data with existing practiceapplications by uploading and downloading CSV files. Its perfectfor bulk or mass data upload to/from your existing system.- Schedule events or appointments and view them by day, week,month or year. Remind clients via SMS, email or phone call withjust ONE tap. App even pre-fills the message for you that you cancustomize as you please. Supports Google calendar sync.- For peace of mind, Backup your data so you can store it safelyor transfer it to the other mobile device or PC. Just tap theMicrophone key on keyboard.- Restore your database from the previous backup.- Take Photo- Print or Save HTML or Text formatted data from the app toemail or to SD Card so you can Print it or Transfer to your PC orother tablets.- Bills/Collection and Balance Due Report - Allows you in justONE tap to text, call or email your clients who have balancedue.- Detailed HELP- Contact Us - We value your opinion and seek your advice forimplementing future features. Email us especially before leavingnegative feedback. Thanks!Like us on Facebook at
Health Journal PRO 3.0.0
Manage health records and medical informationas a journal or diary for you and your loved ones. Store food,medical and other allergies, current and past medications, dose andother data. Entire health record history is maintained for yourperusal. NO Internet, NO Data Plan, NO Mobile network needed forusing the app.Email forquestions!Enter family and my medical info, facts like insurance information,current issues, GTD and other personal information. The usage ofthe app is limited only by your imagination. e.g. Write progressfor every month of your pregnancy, baby heart bits, pictures andvideos of ultrasound! Enter as much detail as you want especiallyif you are on any of the transplant list. Works on android tabletsand mobile smart phones.Create UNLIMITED number of your OWN TEMPLATES to track yourhealth records or condition. e.g. Record your Blood pressure,Weight, Cholesterol and Glucose or Sugar for diabetic patients -all in ONE app. You can even track your typical Diet, Calories orExercise / Workout as templates for just ONE tap to enter!!ONE tap to export data once you sync the folder with PC.Plan Doctor's appointment by entering the symptoms and otherinfo in the app that is at your fingertips when you visit Doctor.No more regrets about forgetting to tell an important informationto your Doctor when you were at the office. App works on Phones andTablets too! Support for photo, audio, video, file attachments forhealth records. Use this for various purposes such as before andafter treatment pictures/results. Scan lab report, recordaudio/video, attach existing files etc.You can even enter the appointment date/time and it gets syncedto the Calendar on most devices! Say goodbye to Doctor's visitcancellation fees when you use this app. And all of the above canbe done for all the family members! You can even send them textmessage, email or call right from the App about upcoming Doctor'sappointment with just ONE tap.Enter ICE ( In case of emergency ) info as well. It is entirelyup to you what you want to enter. You can enter as little or asmuch as possible. And there is more- You can even take a photo ofyour near and dear ones! And yes, you can use the app for yourpet's information too. After all they are an integral part of yourlife. You can also create a template for Rabies Vaccinationtracking including Rabies Tag and Microchip ID.For your peace of mind, you can even take the back up of thedata and store at a safe place. Likewise, you can also restore thedata form the back up to your device or to your loved one's deviceif they have the app too with few simple steps. You can even exportand import data in CSV ( comma separated file ) format to store onyour PC/Laptop or existing applications. Health record history filewith nice looking HTML formatting can be created and saved on theSD card with a ONE tap. You can then either print, save oremail/edit as you please. This allows you to share info with atherapist, babysitter, other extended family or physician. You canonly share what you want to and delete the rest. Detailed HELP onhow to use the app is always available a tap away in the Menu.Buy only comprehensive health organizer app in the market tofree up your mind of any worries and anxieties by recording andcarrying the critical information with you all the time. Pleasecontact us for any questions you may have, especially beforeleaving negative feedback. Have a healthy time!Like us on Facebook at
Lawyer ON GO - Lite 4.0.0
Siyami Apps, LLC
UNIQUE APP in the MARKET having many coolfeatures such as client, case and event management features to savetime for extremely busy legal professionals. Works perfectly fineon both android tablets and mobile smart phones. NO Internet, NOData Plan, NO Mobile network needed for using the app.Email forquestions!Useful for Paralegals, Lawyers, Law School Students, Advocates,Attorneys as well as Non-attorney staff of your Practice.Efficient, quick and easy information at your fingertips availableto you on the go. Possibilities to customize are endless when youcreate new template to suit your business needs. No more tediousTYPING - Just TAPPING the templates.FEATURES- Add, update, delete, search clients, events.- Create your own UNLIMITED number of custom templates forcommonly used scenarios. Save time by boosting productivity!- View History.- Support for photo, audio, video, file or document attachmentsfor client and event records.- Goodbye calculators as app will compute account balance usingold balance and amount paid / due.- Use dictations , voice or speech to text via voice enabledkeyboard if supported by your device.- Export-Import to share data with existing practiceapplications by uploading and downloading CSV files. Its perfectfor bulk or mass data upload to/from your existing system.- Schedule events or appointments and view them by day, week,month or year. Remind clients via SMS, email or phone call withjust ONE tap. App even pre-fills the message for you that you cancustomize as you please. Supports Google calendar sync.- For peace of mind, Backup your data so you can store it safelyor transfer it to the other mobile device or PC. Just tap theMicrophone key on keyboard.- Restore your database from the previous backup.- Take Photo- Print or Save HTML or Text formatted data from the app toemail or to SD Card so you can Print it or Transfer to your PC orother tablets.- Bills/Collection and Balance Due Report - Allows you in justONE tap to text, call or email your clients who have balancedue.- Detailed HELP- Contact Us - We value your opinion and seek your advice forimplementing future features. Email us especially before leavingnegative feedback. Thanks!- FREE for LIMITED TIME / TRIAL.Like us on Facebook at
Health Journal 3.0.0
Siyami Apps, LLC
Manage health records and medical informationas a journal or diary for you and your loved ones. Store food,medical and other allergies, current and past medications, dose andother data. NO Internet required for using the app. Entire healthrecord history is maintained for your perusal. Enter family and mymedical info, facts like insurance information, current issues, GTDand other personal information. e.g. Write progress for every monthor stage of your pregnancy along with baby heart bits, pictures andvideos of ultrasound! You can get enter as much detail as you canespecially if you are on any of the transplant list. Works onandroid tablets and mobile smart phonesCreate UNLIMITED number of your OWN TEMPLATES to track yourhealth records or condition. e.g. Record your Blood pressure,Weight, Cholesterol and Glucose - all in ONE app. You can eventrack your typical Diet, Calories or Exercise / Workout astemplates for ONE tap to enter!!ONE tap to export data once you sync the folder with PC.You can plan Doctor's appointment by entering the symptoms andother info in the app that is at your fingertips when you visitDoctor. No more regrets about forgetting to tell an importantinformation to your Doctor when you were at the office. Just openup the app! It works on Phones and Tablets too! Save time viadictations using the voice enabled keyboard. Supports dictation ,voice, speech to text conversion. Just tap the Microphone key onkeyboard.Support for photo, audio, video, file attachments for healthrecords. Use this for various purposes such as before and aftertreatment pictures/results. Take a picture of lab report, recordaudio/video, attach existing files etc.You can even enter the appointment date/time and it gets syncedto the Calendar on most devices! Say goodbye to Doctor's visitcancellation fees when you use this app. And all of the above canbe done for all the family members! You can even send them textmessage, email or call right from the App about upcoming Doctor'sappointment with just ONE tap.Extremely fast and easy to search and use the app. You can enterICE ( In case of emergency ) info as well. It is entirely up to youwhat you want to enter. You can enter as little or as much aspossible. And there is more- You can even take a photo of your nearand dear ones! And yes, you can use the app for your pet'sinformation too. After all they are an integral part of yourlife.For your peace of mind, you can even take the back up of thedata and store at a safe place. Likewise, you can also restore thedata form the back up to your device or to your loved one's deviceif they have the app too with few simple steps. You can even exportand import data in CSV ( comma separated file ) format to store onyour PC/Laptop or existing applications. Health record history filewith nice looking HTML formatting can be created and saved on theSD card with a ONE tap. You can then either print, save oremail/edit as you please. This allows you to share info with atherapist, babysitter, other extended family or physician. You canonly share what you want to and delete the rest. Detailed HELP onhow to use the app is always available a tap away in the Menu.Please buy now at a LOW price available for a LIMITED timepromotional SALE of the only comprehensive health organizer app inthe market. Take control of your life by organizing your Family'shealth information. Buy for this father's day and help him withmedical info tracking. Free up your mind of any worries andanxieties by recording and carrying the critical information withyou all the time. Please contact us for any questions you may have,especially before leaving negative feedback. We are committed tohelp! We are dedicated to improve our lives by building softwarefor mobile devices. Have a healthy time!- FREE for LIMITED TIME / TRIAL.Like us on Facebook at
Customer Events & Records CRM - Contacts Manager 10.40.000
Siyami Apps, LLC
Manage client contacts, notes, appointment and bills anywhere yougowith this CRM App. Customise form fields on the Client Page tomatchyour business. Grow by effective customer relationshipmanagementand excellent customer service. NO Internet, NO DataPlan, NO Mobilenetwork needed for using the app. Google Calendar,Assistant andWhatsApp integration is available directly from theClient ProfileScreen. WhatsApp messaging is also available alongwith SMS forappointment and billing reminders. forquestions! Less Typing and More Tappingoffers immediate boost inproductivity. Possibilities are unlimitedwhen you create thetemplates to match your business needs. Youclient is now in yourpocket! Useful for Service oriented businessprofessionals such asfreelancers, insurance agents, leakdetectors, lic agents, realestate brokers, Driving SchoolInstructors, Photographers, Boilerengineers, Electricians,Plumbers, Home Improvement Designers, DanceSchool, Karate school,Private lessons, Lawn mowers, Snow Removal,Cleaning Services,Tuition classes such as piano, saxophone, musicor even yoga,Contractors, Hair Salons, Beauty Parlours, InvestmentConsultantsand Travel Agents, Spa/Tanning centres, Cosmetologists,Massageclinics, Beauticians, Small businesses, Mini or MicroEnterprises,Repair shops, Solo Businessmen, Pest ControlTechnicians,Investment Agents or Brokers, Cable Operators, Caterer,Bakers,Sellers, Newspaper Stand, entrepreneur, interiordesigners,Tuitions tracker, baby sitters, Seamstresses, SoleProprietors,Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Door to Door Salesman, DogAnimal VetTrainers and more. Efficient, quick, GTD and easyinformation atyour fingertips available to you on the go. Youclient is now inyour pocket with our CRM apps! - 100 custom formfields to designyour own app. - View Historical records andactivities entered forthe Contact. Import Clients into the Appdirectly from existingdevice contacts - Create Customer Groups forvarious purposes suchas tagging, workflow and more. Send SMSBroadcast to groups. Showgrouped customers on the Map so you canoptimise your travel or useinsights for other business purposes. -Schedule events orappointments and view them by day, week, month oryear. Remindclients via WhatsApp, SMS, email or phone call withjust ONE tap.App even pre-fills the message for you that you cancustomize asyou please. Supports Google calendar sync - Broadcastbulk SMS forgreetings, emergency messages, special offers etc.Extra chargesapply as per your Carrier Plan as the App uses yourcell phone SMSplan to send Texts. Needs your permission for SMS. -EnableAutomatic SMS reminders to prevent no-show appointments. -ViewNearby Clients on the Map when you are on the GO. Requireslocationpermission. - Support for photo, audio, video, file ordocumentattachments for client, project, sales/order/contract andeventrecords. - Export-Import to share data with existingpracticeapplications by uploading and downloading CSV files foryourexisting system. - Backup your data so you can store it safelyortransfer it to the other mobile device or PC. Save backups toyourchoice of Cloud Drive or locally on the device. - GoogleAssistantenabled search. - Print or Save HTML or Text formatteddata fromthe app to share. - Bills/Collection and Balance DueReport -Allows you in just ONE tap to text, call or email yourclients whohave balance due. Keep Easy account balance or ledgertracking forcredit, debit or cash. Goodbye calculators as app willcomputeaccount balance using old balance and amount paid / due. -Attachfiles like PDF, images, statements, invoices, agreements,receipts,documents and more. - Contact Us - We value your opinion& lookforward to build what your needs are. Email us especiallybeforeleaving negative feedback. Thanks! Likeus
Client Record-Customer CRM App 12.640.00
Siyami Apps, LLC
Grow Your Business.Track Contacts, Sales Lead, Tasks, Appointments,Notes, Bills
Vet Records - EMR App for ON T 6.0.2
Siyami Apps, LLC
Vet Mobile EMR App to Manage Animal, Pet records on the road. NOInternet needed
Real Estate Agent ON GO PRO 4.0.1
Siyami Apps, LLC
UNIQUE APP in the MARKET with so many cool client, residentialorcommercial property, house and event management features tosavetime for extremely busy real estate professionals, agents,brokers,realtors or builders. It works perfectly fine on bothandroidtablets and mobile smart phones. Pay ONE TIME Only and NOMONTHLYPayment! NO Internet, NO Data Plan, NO Mobile network neededforusing the app. Email us at foryourquestions and suggestions! App provides efficient, quick andeasyinformation at your fingertips available to you on the go nomatterwhere you are. Impress your customers and earn theirsatisfactionby serving them promptly 24X7. Use this app to gainadvantage inthe fiercely competitive market place. No typing justthe TAP toselect templates and join them to each other. Powerfulsoftware toboost productivity. FEATURES - Add, update, delete,search clients,events, property, estate or home data. Color Themesavailable forskin or background and buttons. - View History. - Userdefinedcustom templates for commonly used scenarios. - SecurelyExport ortransfer Client files by connecting device to your PC. -Supportfor photo, audio, video, file or document attachments orscannedimages for client, property, estate or homedata,sales/order/contract and event records. - Goodbye calculatorsasapp will compute account balance using old balance and amountpaid/ due. - Use dictations. - Export-Import to share datawithexisting applications by uploading and downloading CSV files.Itsperfect for bulk or mass data upload to/from your existingsystemor laptop/PC with excel. - Schedule events or appointmentsand viewthem by day, week, month or year. Remind clients via SMS,email orphone call with just ONE tap. App even pre-fills themessage foryou that you can customize as you please. App supportsGooglecalendar sync. - For peace of mind, Backup your data so youcanstore it safely or transfer it to the other mobile device or PC.-Restore your database from the previous backup. - Print orSavepretty formatted data from the app to email or to SD Card soyoucan Print it or Transfer to your PC or other tablets or otherapps.- Bills/Collection and Balance Due Report - Allows you in justONEtap to text, call or email your clients who have balance due.Viewdaily and date range based collection reports. - Detailed HELP-Contact Us - We value your opinion and seek your adviceforimplementing future features. Email us especially beforeleavingnegative feedback. Thanks! - Lastly, we rely on yourappreciationand word of mouth to support the app. So please use theeasy ONETAP functions to post the APP on social networks suchFacebook,Google Plus or Tweeter. - on SALE for limited time Like usonFacebook at
Cloud CRM Client Records App 1.1.0
Siyami Apps, LLC
Grow your business with effective customer relationshipmanagementwhile on the go. CRM Software to manage clientcontacts,appointments, inventory, notes, bills, events on the gofor yoursalesforce. NO Internet, NO Data Plan, NO Mobile networkneeded.Design your App with custom fields. App works in offlinemode ontablets & phones as well as computer or laptops. Haveclient inyour pocket! Empower your staff to grow your company ****FreeTrial for 2 weeks FEATURES - Mini, Micro B2C Enterprises suchasCaterer, Bakers, Sellers, Newspaper stand dealers&distributors can customize database form fields to designtheir ownapp. Easy Billing options per client. Send SMS, Emailremindersfrom just a tap. Search Bills by Amount Due, Address,Name, Purposeand more. - Create Customer database groups fortagging, labelling,linking clients, workflow stages, etc. Send SMSBroadcast togroups. Useful for Repair Shops,Seamstresses, RentalShops likeBike Lease etc. - Self-employed Freelancers or tutors andfitnesscoaches in the business of teaching Dance, Karate,Piano,Saxophone, Music or Yoga can view historical activitiesentered forthe student contact. - Manage Leads Generation. Trackleads &prospects - Event Entry for Customers, Suppliers, Staff,Employeesand Leads - Bulk Email : Send Bulk Email to your customersformarketing, servicing, lead generation etc. - Appointment centricorretail businesses like Hair Salons, PT, Beauty Parlorsremindclients via instant message app , SMS, email or phone callwithjust a tap - Aesthetician, Astrologers, BeauticianorCosmetologists in Spa/Tanning/Massage/Ayurvedic clinics,AnimalDoctors , Vets or Dog trainers can store EMR history andsendsemi-automatic SMS reminders to prevent no-show appointments-Broadcast bulk SMS for greetings, emergency messages,specialoffers and more. Standard charges may apply as per yourCarrierPlan as the App uses your cell phone SMS plan to send Texts.Usefulfor Home Improvement Contractors like Plumbers, Furnace /ACEngineers, Electricians, Lawn Mowers, Snow Removal. -Entrepreneurslike Home or Interior Designers,Financial Advisers,InvestmentConsultants can manage complex projects with many Tasksor To-Doswith Automatic Reminders Push Notification for upcomingand lateTasks. - Sole Proprietors or solo businesses like TouristCAROperators, College Guides can do automatic SMS withtheirpermission. - Tracking leads is useful for Photographers,DrivingSchool Instructors and Travel agents or executives,Insurance orLIC or real estate realtors and brokers - DatabaseManager isUseful for providers like Cleaning Services, LeakDetectors, PestControl Technicians so they can track their staffassignments andtasks - Create Product Catalog and ProductsInventory - ManageParts Inventory for efficient resource planningLike us on